'This house runs on...Prosecco' Freestanding Engraved House (18mm)
'This house runs on...Tea' Freestanding Engraved House (18mm)
'Twinkle, twinkle...' Engraved Star (18mm)
'We were going to have a baby...' Engraved Plaque (18mm)
'Welcome to our Home' Engraved House (18mm)
'When you wish upon a star' Engraved Star (18mm)
'Wish Upon a Star' Interlocking Stars (18mm)
'You have left my life but you will never leave my heart' Engraved Plaque (18mm)
'You make me happy...' Engraved Cloud (18mm)
'You will forever be my always...' Engraved Plaque (18mm)
‘I carried you every...' Engraved Plaque (18mm)
‘Without Rain There Would Be No Rainbows’ Engraved Cloud (18mm)
3mm Acrylic
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